Welcome to the Avolio Lab
We aim to understand the mechanisms by which humans directly and indirectly alter plant populations and communities and whether there are consequences for ecosystem function. The complex nature of these ecosystems requires a broad range of scientific investigation, allowing our lab to collaborate and build research communities. We work in both grassland and urban ecosystems.
News & Updates
Platinum Certified by MyGreenLabs Sustainability Ambassador: Olivia Arbogast Over the last year, the Avolio Lab has taken steps to promote more sustainable research using the principles of MyGreenLab. We are happy to announce that we were awarded the Platinum certification level in December of 2024. Our lab looks forward to future improvements and efforts at conservation! |

Recent Book
Foundations of Socio-Environmental Research:
Legacy Readings with Commentaries
Edited by: William R. Burnside, Simone Pulver, Kathryn J. Fiorella, Meghan L. Avolio, and Steven M. Alexander
Provides an informed history of socio-environmental research through
legacy readings and expert commentaries
Can be used as the basis for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses
in environmental and sustainability programs
Buy the book at Cambridge University Press with 20% Discount Code FSER2022, or on Amazon.
Foundations of Socio-Environmental Research:
Legacy Readings with Commentaries
Edited by: William R. Burnside, Simone Pulver, Kathryn J. Fiorella, Meghan L. Avolio, and Steven M. Alexander
Provides an informed history of socio-environmental research through
legacy readings and expert commentaries
Can be used as the basis for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses
in environmental and sustainability programs
Buy the book at Cambridge University Press with 20% Discount Code FSER2022, or on Amazon.
Diversity & Inclusion
The Avolio Lab at Johns Hopkins University is committed to upholding the Diversity and Inclusion principles outlined by the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS), including the call to dismantle anti-Black and other forms of racism within EPS. We believe the most innovative science comes from diverse teams of scientists, and we strive to make researchers of all backgrounds feel welcome and respected. We are taking active steps to stop the damaging practices, behaviors, and biases that are maintained through inaction.
The details of this policy is available here. Please also take a look at our Field Safety Policy.
The details of this policy is available here. Please also take a look at our Field Safety Policy.